I know I've not been around this 'ol blog lately, but things are happening on the drawing board. At the moment The Signal Man project has 'leaves on the track' (US readers may be thinking 'uh?') well, here in the UK if there is a delay in journeys, the railway very often blame 'leaves on the track'... but, there is a good reason for this particular delay. A few weeks ago I got a mail from a huge UK comics icon, who invited me to be part of a new project he was working on.
I said 'Yes' :)
sadly I can't tell you anything else right now, but I can show these bits for your perusal. Check back soon for more details folks!
I like the art work. Good action, well captured.
Hi David,
I'm researching a television series at Alaska Productions on the history of gangs in the UK and I came across your brilliant cartoon based on The Sixpenny Murder.
It would be great to chat to you about the possibility of using some of your work in our series and wondered if you'd be free to chat?
If you're interested, perhaps you could get in touch. My personal email is ollloydo@hotmail.com
All the best,
Simon Lloyd
I'm sorry to hear about Signalman, but happy to hear that your hard at work on another project. I can't wait to see how it turns out. As always, your attention to detail is Impeccable, Keep up the great work and I wish you the best.
-Chad Malmberg
Again, great research and great images selected.
Nice picture, your thought is very cool!
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