Hello all, and thanks for stopping by this blog and indeed the website.
I'm expecting there may be a few new additions browsing the site due to the fact that my SPRINGHEELED JACK collected hardback has hit the comic racks in the US and the rest of the globe just now. I hope you all enjoy it, and thanks very much for shelling out your hard-earned notes to get the book, and if you ordered it via PREVIEWS then all the more kudos to you sir (or madam). SHJ has garnered interest from the likes of Don Murphy (maverick film producer, Transformers and Shoot Em Up) and a few other big names in the comic industry. I am currently in the process of getting a animated sequence put together to generate a little more interest in a possible film version of the tale. A digital animation company have expressed an interest, and all being well we'll decide which direction to take it early in the new year.
At a comic show, here in the UK recently I met a chap who was keen on buying the rights to SHJ, so hopefully somewhere along the line a little magic might happen. At the same show a certain Mike Mignola came by my table, flicked through the book and said 'This stuff is awesome...no it's FUCKING awesome' he then said 'and you can quote me on that'.... so there you are Mike I've used it;) thanks very much. I've only just recovered from that one I can tell you, he's been one of my favourite artists since he came on the scene.
Well I don't want to bore you to death with other stuff, so I'll sign off for now. Once again, thanks to everyone for your support.
all the best - Dave PS: The above Sandman commission was completed recently.