Hi Chaps (and chapesses...possibly) Here's the finished page for all to see. You will notice a few changes here and there, which were not on the initial pencil rough. I try to fill as much of the panel as possible even if I know it may be covered by a speech bubble. I'm going to be putting a load of stuff on ebay over the next few weeks. Under 'David Hitchcock' so try and get over there (sorry, UK only for the ebay stuff)
all the best,
Brilliant page Dave! The last panel is beautifly done...great stuff.
Superb as always Dave.
bloody hell Dave, that was quick.
dazzled by yer sheer awesomeness.
T'riffic mate!
I've ticked the email follow up box so hopefully you'll get me email.
Looking forward in seeing the 2nd page
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