Okay, I'm a bit late again, but I've got an excuse of sorts, been laid up with a cold since coming back from BICS last week. heven't really done much of anything. But I can report what a great time I had at the Birmingham Internationsl Comics Show. I met up with loads of good folk again, Shane Oakley, Gary Crutchley, Colin and Dave from Accent UK, Andy Bloor, John Reppion, Leah Moore, Dez Skinn, Lew Stringer, a really nice chap called Patrick who comes from France (every time there's a comic show over here in the UK) how's that for devotion?. Met a couple of nice folk who work in films, who asked if I fancied doing a GN for them (which they would then put forward to film studios) more on that if it happens. Met a guy who makes really cool retro rayguns, he also asked about a GN possiblity. With the stuff that happened last year I know not to shout about things until something actually happens, so I won't mention them again until something more solid arises. GOTHIC seemed to go down very well, which I'm jazzed about as I was a bit sceptical about putting the print cost on my already overloaded credit card;) Turns out I shouldn't have worried, lots of folk went away with (relatively) cheap original art too. Thanks to everyone who purchased a page of art, and indeed everyone who stopped at my table. Thanks also to the chaps who have commented on this very blog. Just got a pic of the stand this time around, be back next week with some sort of drawing...
cheers all
Congrats on a great show!
Great to see you Dave and glad to hear Gothic sold well (we could hardly get near your table for all the people half the time so it's no great surprise to us).
Don't forget readers, you can win one of three signed copies of Gothic over at http://moorereppion.blogspot.com/2008/10/win-signed-copies-of-david-hitchcocks.html
Hey bud I posted a message on the previous post.
Glad to hear things went well... will you be hitting Thoughtbubble in Leeds on November 15th??
Thanks, Brian, John and Chris, it certainly makes you feel better when you can say that you are not far off a magical break even point in anything that you've produced yourself, although I never take into account the costs of travel and tables at these things, not much of a businessman I'm afraid. Hopefully I'll be going to Leeds, I'll know nearer the time.
cheers all.
Good stuff hope to see you there.
Is it true that you're a Derby local?
Is Gothic available for mail order?
I've had a poke around but can't find a link.
Hi Prosody and gtc
Yup, I'm a Derby lad born and bred. GOTHIC is available by mail order, in fact ONLY available by post after the Leeds show, as the next big show will be Bristol next year. Problem with sending by post is the padded envelopes cost a £1 each, and postage about a £1 too. So it makes it £5 I'm afraid.
I just wanted to say, Dave, that Gothic is the bollocks, mate. Well pleased with the page of art and here's to making a healthy profit on this...(so you'll be tempted to do another one)
Thanks for kudos Gary, but I don't think there is a such a thing as healthy profit in small press. We can keep our fingers crossed though eh;)
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