Last week a good friend of mine from the U.S. managed to get a copy of GOTHIC in front of the legend that is Stan-the man-Lee. It was at Pittsburgh Con and Stan had a list of 900 folk who had paid for a signature ticket...as you can see by the picture they moved things along pretty quickly, and they wanted to rid Stan of the item pretty sharpish by the look of things;)---still I guess that's what happens at the top of the tree, but he still has time for the fans and that's pretty special for a guy of his stature in the biz, I reckon he must have found a way to bottle Jack Kirby's pure Cosmic energy while he was working with him in the 60s.....Kirby himself ran out of it in '94 as we all know, but what kind of queues would he have if he was still around eh? Long Live the King. Thanks a lot, Brian, for jumping in that rather small window to get my stuff in front of the great man.
Other news at Black Boar Towers, the next page I'll be doing on the samurai story, will be no.60, by the looks of things this MAY be the halfway mark---I know I mentioned a month or so back that I'd pretty much hit half way back then, but judging by the amount of script left I've a ways to go yet.
That's all for now folks,
Jeez, I wonder what he thought of it? Pretty cool Dave, nuff said.
Excelsior! Glad to help spread the word.
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