GRAEME NEIL REID is a hero. Why do I say that? Well, he's just illustrated a best-selling book, which I happened to see on the shelves at ASDA at the weekend http://www.asda-entertainment.co.uk/asda/7066670.product It is a very lush volume by the two authors of the best-selling 'DANGEROUS' series. HEROES through the ages bought to life in superb detail, there's well over 100 pen and ink drawings within this hefty tome. Well worth this £10 tag at the above link, between 10 and 20 notes elsewhere. Go out and get your hands on one today, but beware... it's heavy!
Anyway, in news from Black Boar towers, I've been beavering away on the gn over the past few weekends, as well as doing other stuff. I'll have some stage by stage pics soon...stay tuned.
I've just started work on AccentUk's VICTORIANA cover... featuring my old pal, Jack. Avid blog readers will know that WHITECHAPEL FREAK (a Ripper tale with a twist) was my second self-published work, and this image is a revisit to one of the interior pages. If you didn't know about WHITECHAPEL FREAK (and want to desperately own one)I have a few copies of the colourised version which I picked up at Bristol recently.
Thanks for stopping by...
Gosh! Cheers Dave.
A copy of your Highwayman graphic novel is on ebay at the moment here.
Thanks for pointing that out, Graeme. I'll keep an eye out.
Crikey, it's already up to over twenty three quid!!! Thank goodness I've already got one.
Lost your email address, Dave. But thought you'd like to know about this review of Gothic.
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