Monday, August 23, 2004

Hello everyone, the Ol'Boar here for another little missive...

It was a full week last week, SHJ2 had just reached the US shores, even though it was shipped to Diamond's warehouse here in the UK about two months ago. I had loads of mails from readers in the US, so thanks for that (its always great to get feedback), and I guess it must be going down quite well over there. I had loads of requests for re-stocks of issue one too. Sadly the first issue sold out some time ago, but I do have a three LIMITED (1 t0 10) original painted sketch editions available. These are $40(via paypal) and available on a first come, first served basis. I can send a jpg of the comic and original art (as an idea of what to expect) to any interested parties.

I did a further two pages of SHJ3 at the weekend --yay. It's tough getting back to drawing after having time out.

STOP PRESS++++If you want to pick up some original art, and have the money go to charity---check out my victorian Hellblazer on ebay NOW. Adrian Brown's Just1Page project is self published with ALL the proceeds going to a very worthy cause, and all art auctioned is printed in a special magazine (which you also get FREE, worth $9) with your booty! Get on there and BID now;) ++++++++

Well that's about it for this week, apart from this little gem---I've been asked to attend the Bristol show in November on Simon Reed's stand----to promote the newly colourised WHITECHAPEL FREAK, alongside Simon Bisley! How could I refuse!



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