Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hello you two

Well, there goes another Christmas and we're about to head into 2007. The past few weeks have been pretty exciting, first of all I managed to finally get hold of a copy of Paul Gravett + Peter Stansbury's GREAT BRITISH COMICS. I was told that I managed to get in there a while back, I'm well chuffed. Nearly as good as winning the Eagle Award is that;) I reckon Christmas time is when folk suddenly sit down and try and get unsuspecting artists to draw their stuff, last year I got a proposal to do a Zombie Houdini thing, for some supposed 'entertainment company', anyway I did 3 pages and they decided my style, was not what they were after. This Christmas I also got an offer, this time from someone who has a far better track record, with a better pedigree, hopefully this time I'll make it past three pages:)

Hope you all had a great Christmas, and I wish you all a happy and prosperous 2007.

Signing off, til next year


Monday, December 18, 2006

Season's Greetings one and all

This is a slightly belated ramble about the International Comic Show in Brum a few weeks ago. I thought that Shane did a great job with the venue and organisation myself, with only the odd problemo here and there (and let's face it, pretty much EVERY con suffers with folk not turning up at the last minute don't they?). The venue itself was nice and snazzy, every bit the type of place a comic con should be held at, with it's own 'lake' in the middle of the event, and various comic related units, a bar, cafe and theatre positioned around it, there was something for everyone. The two main areas were a tad small, but I did tremendously well with the hardcover. I only took 40 copies with me, as I travel by train, well I WOULD have done if Central Trains were not doing their engineering work! Instead they laid a bus on...great:( I contemplated going back home on Saturday night to get more books, but luckily I didn't (as quite tyically again) Sunday was just a chat day,
all in all it was a good weekend. And if next year's guests are concrete..then that should be fantastic! I'll defintely be attending the next show, rumoured to be earlier in the year (another smart move Shane)
Anyway, I'm signing off for now, I hope you all have a great Christmas, and a propserous New Year. -The Boar

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hello one and all

Anyone going to the Birmingham International Comic Show this coming weekend? I will be there helping the ACCENT UK guys promote their new Zombies Anthology, and also touting sales of the SHJ hardcover;) Sounds like it could be a good show, I only hope everyone turns up!

I heard that a copy of my first, long sold out book, Spirit of the Highwayman cropped up on ebay recently, and it went for a staggering £56!!!! What I want to know is, where are all these bidders when I actually list anything for sale???? Sheesh, I'm normally lucky to get about two freakin hits!!!! Earlier this year the same thing happened with SHJ issue 1....that went to £40 or something daft. Needless to say, I wasn't the seller:(

talk later ---Dave

Friday, December 01, 2006

Hello all

Anyone wishing to order the book (UK only) can send £10 via PAYPAL to .This includes p+p, and I will send out the book asap. I recently sent out a book to IRELAND and I was shocked to learn that the cost (for the same weight/packed parcel) was £6.80. On this basis I reckon that cost to the US would be roughly £12.00 could anyone ordering from the US pay my Paypal account using POUNDS STERLING- thanks.

I also have some signed and numbered copies (80) with a tipped in sepia print of Springheeled Jack----these are £13 (UK)

Why not pop over to to see the banter on SHJ. The more folk ask about the film, the higher the possibility of it emerging-----thanks- Dave