I should really be in bed! At 4.30 this morning I'll be getting up to set off to the Bristol Comic Show, on the SCAR comics table, if you get there early enough and buy a copy of MADAM SAMURAI, you could win yourself this framed peice of art! Generous to the end, that's me:) Hopefully see some of you there over the weekend.
I hope this went to a good home and that you got loads of recognition at Bristol for the talent that you are. Sorry I couldn't be there.
i just wanted to let you know i really enjoyed madam samurai and cant wait for the next volume.
Hi Dave The winner of the bookplate peice will be picked out of the hat soon, unless Shane already announced it elsewhere.
Hi Stephen Thanks for the comment on the book, glad you liked it. There's more of the same, with a tad more violence, in the second book;)
Hi David,
Do you know if Shane's announced the winner of the framed bookplate yet? Or where he's going to announce it? Sorry we didn't get to chat for longer at Bristol this year.
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