Greetings blog readers
I spent time recently roughing out the Charles Dickens short story The Signal Man, adapted by Jason Cobley who has written many a fine tale and adapted numerous literary classics such as Dracula,Frankenstein and recently When the Inspector Calls. We are currently not decided upon how or when it will be published but here's the first page to be going on with (sans text, of course). I'll be back with a diary-type/ from-the-drawing-board-development-thing, which will start soon. So make sure you check back here regularly.
I've heard that many of you in the US were unable to purchase either of the Madam Samurai books, through some problem at Diamond distribution, but fear not, as they are both available digitally on GRAPHICLY.com they are well worth checking out, if I do say so myself;)
Here's a few pics to whet your collective appetites.
Incredibly detailed and altogether wonderful, Dave. Awesome images.
Capital signalman image!
Thanks for the feedback gents:) I want this work to be the best I've ever produced. Thinking of ways to print, maybe a larger format with card covers etc? There are so many options nowadays but I want it to reflect the 'handmade quality of yesteryear'...on digital pint here;)
Good to see you are working away on something and with Dickens on your side its going to be great. More art please!
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