Hello gang
Has it been touted round that I'm paying for 'followers'?..jeez I've got seven. Yay, anyhow here's some news for you seven (thanks, mum). I've recently had the good fortune to get an opportunity to do ten 'sketch covers' for the Comics Guaranty (US spelling)Company, or CGC as we know them. To be precise Sean McCloughlin of NYComics asked me to scrawl on blank covers of DARK AVENGERS No.1. drawing requests ranging from 'Swampthing carrying Cap America' to Christopher Lee's Dracula and Venom, Spidey, Wolverine, Hellboy etc. These will be slabbed and graded by the good folk at CGC. What a coop. I'll post one as soon as I see them in these sealed goodness.
I've done a few commissions also, the image above is the finished custom-framed articles. The guy who asked for them was really pleased with the results (he has no internet access so everything was organised by his work buddy, including sending emails back and forth and choosing the frames, so take a bow Patrick). I loved how the framer got that brickwork effect into both frames, great stuff.
I've also completed a Hellboy commission to be picked up at the Bristol show, some of these images will appear in a sketchbook if I get chance to do one, but this time it will be a very limited run of 50. Again, more on that nearer the time.
Signing off for now,
Nice work Dave, the covers gig sounds like a lot of fun.
I might as well be the first to mention that you currently have eight followers and not seven and therefore look like a naa naa for saying so :)
And now I look like a fool cos its gone up again, bah :(
Congratulations, mate, that's t'riffic news. And those two framed pieces of art look the dog's dangly bits.
I can't make Bristol, what with all the tickets sold out and all but save me a sketch book, 'cause I definitely want me one of those.
Great stuff Mr H. See you at Bristol where you can pay me that tenner for becoming a follower :o)
Oh, yer up to 10 followers now, mate
10 disciples in the Cult of Dave. When do we get our low protein food?
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