Hello everyone
I had a great time at Thought Bubble in Leeds recently. The two-day show was heaving with folk and some pretty high-profile US creators. As well as selling loads of MS2 (and book 1 to many latecomers) I also went out and about touting myself to various publishers in an effort to try and get my name out there a little more, did sketches in the last few editions of my most recent sketchbook and got to have chats with Jeff Lemire, Adam Hughes, Esad Ribic and Adi Granov, the latter both had original pages to peruse and that was worth the price of admission alone. You just can't beat seeing the originals in the flesh (so to speak). Thanks go to Mark and Sabrina Peyton for getting me in front of those guys, much appreciated---the lines are way too long to be able to queue, whilst being behind a table yourself. I had a fan tell me he'd queued 3 hours for Adam Hughes, then spent another three waiting in line for Barry Kitson, good job it was on for two days:) The Sunday was very slow again, as is normally the case but all in all a great experience, and I sold a few of my originals again too.
Back again soon.
We saw you from afar but didn't manage to catch you before you left. Very glad to hear you had a good one anyway.
All the best for the festives and the new year and hope to see you soon.
Hi John
Good to hear from you. Yes, Thoughtbubble was the usual rush round between toilet visits. There were a few folk I wanted to see at that one, sorry I didn't get to see you, maybe at a show next year (I dare say it will be here before you know it) All the best for 2012.
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