BY CROM! Hello all, after a relatively laid back Comic Expo last week I'm back at the drawing board today, here's something different for me, my first CONAN attempt done as a request for a French collector. Strangely enough I'm currently reading R.E.Howard's HORROR tales (superb Greg Staples illustrations dotted throughout) it's a cracker of a book, and it got me thinking it would be great to get the chance to illustrate some of his short stories one day. Are you reading this Dark Horse!!?;)
During the week I finished a ManBat peice for my good friend Brian Jones, his good wife must be driven totally bats by his insatiable hobby:) Aren't they all though eh?
Great idea. A series of Solomon Kane stories would make superb comic pieces. I always thought the Conan comics lacked something, considering the resources they had to draw from.
Great job on Howard's barbarian. I would love to see you explore the Hyborian age some more. Crom indeed!
If anyone would like to see the Manbat piece David did for me cut and paste here http://comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Page=1&Order=Date&Piece=513141&GSub=67259&GCat=0&UCat=0
and yes my wife jokes about my hobby, but she's the first to ask me to show her relatives and friends the "Bat-room" So I guess she'll keep me around a bit longer :)
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