Hi gang I've started work a ten page story for BOOM Studios' CTHULU TALES. It's a great tale set in Cornwall 1910, superbly scribed by Shane Oakley (artist on the Wildstorm ALBION limited series). Thanks to Shane for putting my name forward for this. Here's a page to be going on with.... also, below are a few sketches I did recently, contact me for availabilty.
cheers for now
Great work Dave...looking forward to it.
Cracking as always Dave. I look forward to reading it. Knowing Shane writing skills and your excellent drawing skills it should be a hell of a good read.
Superb stuff as always Dave, your work really is an inspiration. Thanks for the sketched copy of SHJ that Dave W brought back from BICS for me. Are you up for doing a Wolfmen gallery image for me?
Belated congrats on this Dave; looking fantastic as usual. Shane's a busy lad these day's isn't he?
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