Hello all----here's a big one!
It's been a busy week here, well I've been away in Lisbon actually, which was very nice indeed. Just two days before that GOTHIC rolled off the press. I'm very pleased with the look of it too. I attended FantasyCon in Notts, mainly to see Dave mcKean who kindly posed for this pic. How cool is that? I think he liked the paper too, which is a bonus. Other stuff happened there as well...but more on that IF anything comes of it;) I'm doing a few bits and bobs to take to BICS next week...here's a sneak peek. Back soon....
Gothic looks the business, Dave.
Hopefully I'll pick one up at BICs, if I can get the day off.
As I'm not going to get to BICs, is there any chance of putting one in the post...I'll pay of course!!
Dave(the other one)
It was nice to meet you at BICS yesterday (though my friend did all the talk). Thank you very much for the Batman sketch. I'm having a blast reading Gothic and we are trying to convince our LCS to get more copies.
Once again, thank you very much. =)
I'm also gonna stick my head in and say hi.
Me and my friend spoke to you on the Saturday (remember the sob stories banter?) and I came back and bought Springheeled Jack and gothic on the Sunday. You did an awesome sketch and sig inside.
You were a lovely pleasant guy, and I love your art. But on my way home I heard a rumour that you are from Derby... just happens to be where I am from... small world.. :)
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