Howdy pards, just finished a short western, scribed by Messrs Moore and Reppion. It's a great tale with lots of clever stuff packed into the six pages. MRS HENRY will be in the upcoming WESTERN anthology from AccentUK, out in May 2009. I missed the ROBOTS book due to the Bloomsbury thing I was slaving over at the time. Here's a sneak peek...
'ello Dave, superb, I'm really looking forward to the Gothik tabloid, can we order from you?
Nice to see a western from you as well, especially for me as I'm currently reading Blueberry. Any chance of a reprint of 'Spirit of the Highwayman'? I've been scouring for a good couple of years now & the only one I've seen sold for crazy cash on eBay. Always a pleasure to read your work, regards. Terry
Thanks for the comments Terry, really appreciate that. Yes you can order direct from me, but it will be a good few months away yet, as I still need to draw half of it:) If you can send me your email address I'll add you to my address book. Thanks for passing by the blog---I was convinced no one ever checked it.
cheers for now
Ta Dave, my email addy is SteamTekh@gmail.com.
I often stop by to see what your working on, been hankering now since the Hardback of SHJ.
All the best, T.
That's bloody good Dave.
I'm down to be in the western book as well, and I'm really chuffed to be along side such a talented artist such as your good self.
Greetings Dave. Just passing by (virtually). Saw your art in 800 Years of Haunted Liverpool, which was very cool - as is all your art of course.
Anyway thats it.
Mo Ali.
Hi Mo
Thanks for the comments, always appreciated :) The Haunted Liverpool book is great, written by John Reppion and I was really chuffed that he wanted to use my version of SHJ in there.
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